Ok, it's time for the 2006 Music Draft. This is a concept my boys Berg and Lubs came up with. Here it is.
Imagine every band in the world is coming out with a new album tomorrow. Imagine you only get to have one of those albums. Who do you pick?
My Picks:
1. Kings of Leon - I have heard 4 of their new songs and holy shit. And I'm pretty much totally obsessed with these guys right now.
2. Bloc Party - A real candidate for number 1, but the new songs of Leon that I've heard edged out Bloc.
3. John Mayer Trio - Assuming it's John, Steve and Pino, I'm excited.
Honorable mentions:
Iron and Wine, Dear and the Headlights, Kings of Convenience, Damien Rice.
Random fun fact: Did you know that, with the new iTunes, if you're within 10 seconds of the end of a song and then you fast-forward it or switch to another track, the current song gets credit for the playcount. I post this because I'm probably the only person that doesn't work for Apple that's noticed this.